Saturday, June 26, 2010

Potential Future Concerns

I've been trying to organize for when I resume group meetings in the fall. One of my largest concerns is being able to continue providing childcare. For the past two years we've relied heavily on AmeriCorps workers that BHK has generously provided. Linda Pucket was our key AmeriCorps worker and she was very loyal to our group; she donated her time to every single group meeting. Unfortunately Linda has moved out of the area and the guarantee to provide future childcare for each meeting is uncertain.

I know that providing childcare is what makes it possible for many people to attend the meetings. I'm trying to come up with solutions to solve this issue should it become a problem. I'm hoping that since I schedule the meetings so far in advance that I wont have to worry about this. However, I'm putting it out there and if anyone has a suggestion please let me know.

My other concern that I have is being able to cover meetings should I have an emergency or become ill at the last minute. At this time I have no back up in place and I run the group solo. If anyone would be willing to cover a meeting in my place, please email me or call me and let me know. I've been running the group for two years and only once did something come up and I thought I would have to cancel a meeting. Be assured that I would not be calling on people very often.

If anyone has any input to the above concerns, please get in touch with me. I would greatly appreciate any feedback.

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