Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 16th, Wrap-Up

We had a really big turnout at tonight's meeting. It was nice to see some old and new faces with us this evening.

Thank you to Cindy Figures and Sandy Uusitalo for the very informative presentation on the Individualized Education Program and the Parent Advisory Committee. Just a reminder that I will post the next PAC meeting when I receive it.

A huge thank you to the Americorps workers Tori, and Angela, and my family friend, Enneesa for helping us out with childcare. Without the help of Americorps and our friends many parents wouldn't be able to attend meetings.

Our next meeting is scheduled for March 16th. A detailed flier will be following in a couple of weeks. Until then, mark in your calendars that for the March meeting there will be two slots. There will be a luncheon from 12:30p-3 and then another slot from 5p-8. More details soon! :)


Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 16th, I.E.P Night!

For the February group meeting, we will be welcoming Sandy Uusitalo and Cindy Figures. Both ladies will be covering the new Individualized Education Program (I.E.P). They will also be discussing the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC), and how we as parents can get involved and/or seek assistance from the PAC. Below you can read a little about our presenters.

Sandy is the Coordinator of Monitoring and Compliance at the Copper Country Intermediate School District. This is Sandy's sixth year at the CCISD. Her role includes assisting local districts to understand and complete special education monitoring activities required by the State. Michigan's system for this is called the Continuous Improvement and Monitoring System (CIMS). She provides training to help local district staff develop quality and compliant I.E.P's and meet other requirements of the IDEA and Michigan's Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE). Other duties include serving as CCISD-PAC liaison, investigating formal special education complaints, and overseeing state assessment ordering/return, etc., for the CCISD Learning Center programs.

Some of you may know Cindy Figures from her work at Portage Health. What you may not know is that she is the Parent Advisory Committee Chairperson, and she is in her fifth year in this position. She began her work with the PAC in 2002. Cindy has a 14 year old son living with Down Syndrome, which is how she became involved with the PAC. Only parents of diverse children that are in the public school system can participate in the PAC.

If you have questions about the new format of the I.E.P, you're seeking information about how to better help your child(ren) in the school system, or you're looking to acquire more information for future use, then you will want to come hear these ladies speak.

The meeting will be held February 16th, 2011 at the BHK Houghton Center in the conference room on the first floor from 6-8. Childcare will be provided. Please RSVP by February 15th, 2011 to ensure we have enough materials on hand. If you plan to utilize the childcare, let me know how many children will need care when you RSVP.